Son Of A Sailor

Brief: Son of a Sailor is a Third and First-person game with FPS elements. Both perspectives have different mechanics. Third person has melee attacks, while first person has a projectile weapon.

perspective Showcase

Quick Playthrough

First/Third Person blueprints: I achieved this by doing lots of cross referencing with unreal engines Third and First person presets and combining them together. As I was trying to recreate the cameras I realised it was not as simple as I thought it would be. There were lots of camera components and setting that I took for granted. Every time I changed a setting it broke one of the cameras. It took a lot of trial and error to figure out what did what. And eventually I ended up with this

Pulsing AOE Enemy
This enemy pulses purple 3 times, and then the AOE turns red, hurting the player. I used a timeline to change the opacity, and when the timeline finishes, it damages the player and loops back to the timeline, creating a cycle.